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Slaves to "The System."


PLANET EARTH, a Garden of Eden full of life and beauty. Everything a human+Being needs to be able to live and co-exist with other human+Beings, in a caring society, in harmony with the natural environment, where everyone puts others before themselves.

So what went wrong? Why are we living now, in a society in which most people are afraid to walk down the street at night, where we have to lock everything in the
fear of others stealing from us.

It seems that
fear is the root of all evil in this world. Our fear of poverty; loneliness; ridicule; war. Where do these fears come from? Why do they control us and make us do the 'Self'-ish things that we do.

It seems that the leaders of the world use
fear to control us and manipulate us into conforming to their "System" of control. They have set up laws that have made us, the majority of people, slaves to them. We spend our whole lives working, often doing jobs which are destructive to the environment, only to pay excessive taxes to these people, being left with only just enough money over to survive and perhaps have a family of our own, so our children can grow up to become slaves to this evil "System"; just as we are.

So what do we do about it? We can't just refuse to work under their "System" because they control the laws and simply have anyone who refuses to conform either
thrown in jail or put in an institution, and labeled insane. The truth is, they are the insane ones who are destroying the planet by having all the trees cut down and are destroying the environment, that we live in, for money for themselves.

There is
ONLY One Way to stop these people, and that is to prove their evil "System" wrong (which they are already doing by themselves by destroying the planet) and show them The Real Law which is perfectly fair and unbiased; is friendly to the environment and has been there for thousands of years.

The Torah is the name given to The Laws; Statutes; Judgments; Agricultural and Economic Policies that were handed to Moses on top of Mt. Horeb in Sinai by The Ruler of The Universe and is The Perfect System for the world to use, as it was given by a totally independent body (God); so is perfectly fair and un-biased. These Laws are contained in The First Five Books of The Old Testament of The Bible; the originals of which are kept in The Ark of The Covenant, which is buried in a hidden subterranean tomb at The Hill of Tara (Torah) in Co. Meath, Ireland.

When The Ark
is recovered The Laws that it contains can then be reinstituted into society. This will prove that the people currently in positions of authority, running the "System" we are forced to live under, were never allowed to make up their own laws and they will be forced to go back to God's Laws and redistribute all of the wealth that they have defrauded from the people and hoarded away. That money should then be redistributed evenly and fairly back to the people that it was taken from in the first place - the lower and middle classes.

The Ark of The Covenant needs to be recovered immediately, before the people who are currently running (ruining) the world totally destroy the planet we are living on in the name of "economic growth". Please help us
stop the destruction of the planet, by supporting us in our endeavor to excavate a small section of grass (2m. x 2m.) at The Hill of Tara (Torah), Co. Meath, Ireland; to expose the entrance to the hidden subterranean tomb that The Ark of The Covenant is buried in. The recovery of The Ark is the ONLY WAY that we can prove that the evil "System" that we are forced to live under is illegal and wrong, and in so doing we can permanently put a stop to all corruption and oppression now happening on Planet Earth.

For more details about The Ark of The Covenant; what it contains; how it will put the world right and how it came to be in Ireland please





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